UAB "Nuotykių akademija"
Company code 124455484
Address: Žalgirio kaimas. Vievio sen. Elektrėnų sav.
 +370 699 86767.
Bank account number: LT417300010090582768

How to find us?
Driving the highway from Vilnius to Kaunas:
Go towards Vievis. Before Vievis turn right, to Kernavė/Maišiagala 108 road. After 5km, under the indicator to Paneriai, turn right. Pass Paneriai straight through and follow the indicators that lead to PADŪKŠTŲ PILKAPYNAS. Driving up the forest, turn right before the MAP. Drive the forest road for another 2km, then turn right, go up the hill and welcome to our homestead!
You can also go through Avižieniai and Sudervė. In this case you will drive the 108 road towards Vievis and the turn to PANERIAI will be on your left, beyond the bridge. 
Google maps Nuotykiu akademija
Want to know more or to order?
A contact number:
We use WathsApp
+370 699 86767
Nuotykių akademija
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